A Look in the Mirror-Reflections of HCL in SPL

Facilitated by: Gregory Pennington

Saturday, April 26th
4:00 - 5:00pm CST
Credits Available: 1 CE

As psychologists in leadership, we are privileged to be resources to our clients in pursuit of their goals. In the application of evidence-based research, we benefit from gaining insight into how we apply those principles to ourselves and our organizations. Using elements of emotional intelligence, this workshop is designed to solicit feedback from participants about what elements of EQ are most valuable to building SPL as a human-centered and successful organization. It will integrate individual perspectives into a group profile, encourage discussion about insights revealed, and generate suggestions about how to leverage key elements and what could be lost or gained by addressing other ones.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Connect EQ elements to components of a human-centered organization.
  2. Identify where SPL is effectively demonstrating components of a human-centered organization.
  3. List recommendations to consider addressing to increase SPL being experienced as a human-centered organization.