Dr. Richard Kilburg
Dick Kilburg received his Ph.D. in clinical and community psychology from the University of Pittsburgh in 1972. He attended a postgraduate program in mental health administration at the Community Psychiatry Laboratory at Harvard University in 1976-1977 and obtained a master’s degree in professional writing from Towson University in 1992. He has held a variety of leadership and academic positions during his career. He is the CEO of RRK Coaching and Executive Development, a consulting firm based in Baltimore. He has published widely in the fields of management, professional impairment, and executive coaching. His seven books, published by the American Psychological Association, were Professionals in Distress: Issues, Syndromes, and Solutions in Psychology, How to Manage Your Career in Psychology, Executive Coaching: Developing Managerial Wisdom in a World of Chaos, Executive Wisdom: Coaching and the Emergence of Virtuous Leaders, The Wisdom of Coaching, co-edited with Dr. Richard Dietrich, Virtuous Leaders: Strategy, Character, and Influence in the 21t Century, and co-authored with Dr. Skipton Leonard and Dr. Arthur Essentials for Organizational and Systems Change: An overview for consultants. He was the founding President of the Society of Psychologists in Management, and he is a Fellow of Division 13 of the American Psychological Association. He has received numerous awards for leadership, consulting, and his writing.